Garry Cai
Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages

Research area(s):
Psychology of Language; Psychophysics; Time Perception; Bayesian Inference



Andrew Chan (Associate Director)
School of Biomedical Sciences

Research area(s):
Cancer cell signaling, PTEN tumor suppressor, Ras-related small GTPases, Tumor microenvironment, Tumor Immunity, Neurodevelopmental and Neurodegenerative disorders, Mouse models of human diseases


Si Chen
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Psychology

Research area(s):
Early Childhood Education in Low-resource Communities, Effectiveness Evaluation; Causal Impacts, Language and Literacy Development, Bilingual Education


Gangyi Feng
Associate Professor
Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages

Research area(s):
Speech Learning, Neurolinguistics


Ying-Yi Hong
Choh-Ming Li Professor of Marketing
Department of Marketing

Research area(s):
Social Psychology, Cultural Psychology, Social Cognition, Social Identity, Intergroup Relations


Simon Lam
Department of Paediatrics

Research area(s):
Neonatology, Paediatric Respiratory and Sleep Medicine, Child Health and Environmental Toxins


Ting Fan Leung
Department of Paediatrics

Research area(s):
Immunogenetics and Natural History of Childhood Asthma and Allergy, Non-invasive Monitoring of Respiratory Diseases, Early-life Microbial Exposures and Allergy Development, Emerging Paediatric Infectious Diseases, Clinical Trials on Childhood Vaccines


Xiaonan Liu
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology

Research area(s):
Computational Neuroscience, Neuroimaging, Learning and Memory


Urs Maurer
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology

Research area(s):
Reading acquisition, dyslexia, foreign language learning, cross-linguistic research, cognitive neuroscience, EEG methodology, combining EEG-fMRI data, combining EEG-eye tracking data


Florrie Ng (Associate Director)
Department of Educational Psychology

Research area(s):
parenting, motivation and achievement, culture and socialization, and early childhood development


Xiangbin Teng
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology

Research area(s):
Complex Temporal Processing in the Brain Related to Spoken Language and Music, Cognition and Perception


Patrick Wong (Director)
Stanley Ho Chair in Cognitive Neuroscience
Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages

Research area(s):
Language learning, Neurolinguistics, Speech processing, Communication disorders, Language and genetics, Auditory neuroscience, Music cognition


Virginia Yip
Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages

Research area(s):
Bilingualism, Bilingual Acquisition, Second Language Acquisition, Cantonese, Chaozhou and Comparative Chinese Grammar, Psycholinguistics and Cognitive Neuroscience


Jingjing Zhao
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology

Research area(s):
The development of language, mathematics, and social cognition, its disorders (e.g., dyslexia, dyscalculia, and autism) and its determinants at multiple levels of description (e.g., cognitive, neural, genetic, and environmental).