The Institute provides a synergistic platform for institute scientists and their trainees to conduct cutting edge research on the neuroscience of cognition and learning with foci spanning from molecule to educational outcome. Our diverse intellectual background and collaborative spirit enable us to perform research that cannot be done within the traditional disciplinary boundaries.
Benefits of Institute membership include:
- Eligibility to apply for Institute funding
- Access to shared facilities and equipment
- Ability to name the Institute as an affiliation and to list Institute facilities in the Research Environment/Facilities section on grant applications
- Access to Institute Scientists who have a strong record of attracting local and international external research funds
- Enhanced ability to recruit doctoral and post-doctoral trainees
Full membership requirements:
Membership is for a two-year term. Renewal will be subject to the most current membership requirements. Exceptions may be granted subject to approval by the Executive Committee.
- Be a regular (substantiated/substantiation-track) or research faculty member at CUHK
- Serving as the PI of an independent research group at CUHK
- Having obtained at least one CUHK-defined KPI grant or its equivalent in the past five years for (Research) Associate Professors and above (not applicable to Assistant Professors)
- Leading a research program that aligns with the Institute’s research agenda
- Regular attendance and active participation in Institute events
- Naming the Institute as your secondary affiliation on all publications and external presentations for all publications related to brain and mind
- Willingness to explore broad research ideas and to collaborate with other Institute Scientists
- Contributing to Institute reports, review exercises, and media coverage